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Legal Notice The clauses listed below regulate the conditions of use of the Internet Portal "www.hispacams.com" (hereinafter, the Portal). This Portal is owned by HIMALIA TECNOLOGÍAS S.L. The term "user" includes any person who accesses the Portal, whether directly or from any other website on the Internet. Users of the Portal undertake to comply with the following general conditions that regulate its use:

1.- GENERIC. The services offered by HIMALIA TECNOLOGÍAS S.L. on this website are regulated by the clauses contained in these terms (without prejudice to other legal notices and conditions appearing on the Portal). HIMALIA TECNOLOGÍAS S.L. reserves the right to modify, wholly or partially, these general conditions, with the new conditions taking effect upon their insertion on the page.

2.- IDENTIFICACION Y RAZÓN SOCIAL DEL TITULAR. El presente Portal, www.hispacams.com, es titularidad del HIMALIA TECNOLOGÍAS S.L., empresa CIF B33971342. La sede de HIMALIA TECNOLOGÍAS S.L. está en la calle Leopoldo Alas, 16 - 2A, 33204 Gijón- Asturias y su teléfono es el 699697526. Para cualquier consulta, sugerencia o reclamación el usuario puede dirigirse a las oficinas de nuestra empresa sitas en la dirección mencionada anteriormente.

3.- USER ACCESS CONDITIONS. The user agrees to use the information contained on this website solely for the purposes of the Portal, specifically for obtaining information about the offered services and making suggestions, and not to engage in any kind of commercial exploitation, directly or indirectly, other than authorized uses. The website user will have the right to free and unrestricted access to the public information collected on the site. However, HIMALIA TECNOLOGÍAS S.L. reserves the right to restrict access to certain sections and services of the Portal to registered users.

4.- INTELLECTUAL AND INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY. The rights relating to industrial and intellectual property (including, but not limited to, trademarks, logos, texts, photographs, icons, images, etc., as well as the graphic design, source code, and other software elements contained on this website) are owned by HIMALIA TECNOLOGÍAS S.L. or other entities that may provide information through the Portal. Therefore, they are subject to intellectual and industrial property rights protected by Spanish and international law. Without the prior written and unequivocal authorization from HIMALIA TECNOLOGÍAS S.L. or, where applicable, the entity holding the rights, it is not permitted to use, reproduce, transmit, manipulate, or perform any use that exceeds the necessary use for visiting the page and using the services offered. Access to the services provided does not imply, on the part of HIMALIA TECNOLOGÍAS S.L. or the respective owner, a waiver, transmission, or total or partial assignment of the rights derived from intellectual and industrial property, nor does it confer rights of use, alteration, exploitation, reproduction, distribution, or public communication of these contents without the prior express written authorization of the respective owners of such rights. This is without prejudice to the right of viewing and obtaining a private backup copy of such content, provided that this right is exercised in accordance with the principles of good faith and the intellectual and industrial property of the holder of such rights remains unaltered, and that it is used without commercial purposes and exclusively for the personal information of the user. The responsibility derived from the use of materials protected by intellectual and industrial property rights contained on this page will correspond exclusively to the user.

5.- PURPOSE OF THE PORTAL. This website has been designed by HIMALIA TECNOLOGÍAS S.L. to provide information about the real-time state of the Spanish geography. The website includes contact information and forms through which users can communicate with the organization for the purposes specified in each case, in accordance with the regulations of the Portal's clauses. HIMALIA TECNOLOGÍAS S.L. reserves the right to make any modifications and updates to the website that it deems appropriate.

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7.- PROTECCIÓN DE DATOS DE CARÁCTER PERSONAL. Información La información recibida por HIMALIA TECNOLOGÍAS S.L. a través de la presente página Web será tratada con la máxima reserva y confidencialidad conforme a la normativa vigente. A los efectos de lo previsto en la Ley Orgánica de Protección de Datos de Carácter Personal (LOPD), HIMALIA TECNOLOGÍAS S.L. informa al usuario de que los datos personales que pueda facilitar a través de esta página Web son incorporados en ficheros titularidad de HIMALIA TECNOLOGÍAS S.L. con la finalidad de gestionar las consultas, solicitudes y sugerencias del presente Portal de Internet. Derechos de acceso, rectificación, cancelación y oposición Para ejercitar los derechos de acceso, rectificación, cancelación y oposición previstos en la Ley puede dirigirse por escrito a HIMALIA TECNOLOGÍAS S.L., calle Lepoldo Alas n16 2A Gijón - Asturias. Seguridad en el tratamiento, proceso informático y custodia de datos HIMALIA TECNOLOGÍAS S.L. declara y garantiza que mantiene los niveles de seguridad de protección de datos personales conforme al Reglamento de Protección de Datos vigente, que ha establecido todos los medios técnicos a su alcance para evitar la pérdida, mal uso, alteración, acceso no autorizado y robo de los datos facilitados por los usuarios, sin perjuicio de informar que las medidas de seguridad en Internet no son inexpugnables.

8.- APPLICABLE LAW These General Conditions are governed by Spanish law.